When I need inspiration, guidance, or wisdom (which is always), I often look to the words of June Jordan. (The photo of us above was taken in my San Francisco flat back in 2000.)
Today, I re-read my favorite book of her poetry, Kissing God Goodbye: Poems 1991-1997, and have decided to adopt this stanza from “Poem Because the 1996 U.S. Poet Laureate Told the San Francisco Chronicle There Are ‘Obvious’ Poets…” as my personal mantra whenever I find myself seething:
And burrowing under everything you think
you know
some of us move slow
like inch worms
softening the earth
to bury you
So hilarious, so ominous, so perfect. I am burrowing like never before.
I miss you, June — my hero, mentor, and friend.
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