The World's Second Best Junichi P Semitsu Website

Published: 12 years ago

LAF-OFF: The All-Stars Edition

LAF-OFF 2013 Flyer

Against my better judgment, I agreed to participate again in this year’s LAF-OFF (Lawyers Are Funny) stand-up comedy competition for lawyers to raise money for the San Diego Volunteer Lawyer Program.

For those who want to witness my potential epic fail, I’ll be taking the House of Blues stage (for the third time) on March 21, 2013.   This year, my goal is not to come in last place, but that might be ambitious.

For more info. and to buy tickets:

An interview with me about the event:



Update:  I did it!  I didn’t come in last place!  Congrats to Ken Turek for a well-deserved win.  And my hats off to all the competitors, including Prof. Ruth Hargrove who wisely avoided being in the photograph below.

LAF-OFF 2013 Competitors * Photo taken from (Photo credit unknown)

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